Principal's Message
Monroe Families-
It is with great pleasure that I share in September 2024 the U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona recognized 356 schools as the 2024 cohort of National Blue Ribbon Schools. Monroe Elementary in the Hanford Elementary School District was one the only school in Kings County to receive this prestigious award. The last time a school in Kings County was recognized as a National Blue Ribbon was 25 years ago. This national award recognizes schools that excel in academic performance or make significant strides in closing achievement gaps.
“The National Blue Ribbon Schools Award is a testament to the exceptional achievements of students and educators at each of these schools,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. “The 2024 National Blue Ribbon Schools are raising the bar for our nation’s students, serving as models for effective teacher and intentional collaboration in their schools and communities.
Congratulations to our students and staff for receiving this prestigious award reserved for just a few schools across the country.
All my best,
Mrs. Levinson
Monroe Bus Routes 2024-2025
ParentSquare offers a secure platform for everyone at school to stay connected.
- Receive all district, school, and classroom communication via email, text, or app.
- View the school and classroom calendar and RSVP for events.
- Easily sign up to volunteer and/or bring items.
- Securely receive report cards, IEPs, and other important student documents.Activate Your Account
If you haven't activated your account yet, you will soon receive an invitation email or text to join ParentSquare.
Please click the link to activate your account—it takes less than a minute. You can use ParentSquare on any device. Download the free mobile app for iOS or Android, or use the desktop version at Our goal is for every family to join ParentSquare and engage with our school community.
If you do not receive an invitation, please contact Mrs. Baker at
Student Drop-Off & Pick-up Safety
At Monroe, safety is our top priority! To ensure our students stay safe during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up, we need your help. Here are a few reminders:
- Drop-off Zone: All students will enter and exit through the front of the school near the office. Students should only be dropped off in the designated drop-off area along the curbside near the fence. They should exit the vehicle on the right side, in the far-right lane only. If your child needs help getting out, please park and walk them to the gate to keep traffic moving.
- Parking Lot Safety: Please do not drop off your child anywhere else in the parking lot and ask them to walk alone. If you’re not using the designated drop-off area, a parent must accompany the student to the gate.
- Keep the Line Moving: After dropping off your child, please keep the line moving and avoid waiting until they enter the campus. If you’re concerned about your child walking in alone, please park and walk them to the gate.
- Crosswalk Use: For everyone’s safety, always use the crosswalk when walking your child to the gate and avoid walking between vehicles.
- Avoid Peak Times: The parking lot gets very congested between 7:50 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. If possible, try to drop off your child earlier to avoid this busy time.
- Arrive on Time: The expectation is to have your child in their line by the first bell at 7:57 a.m.
Working together, we can ensure our students stay safe, arrive at school on time, and are ready to learn. Thank you for your cooperation!
Student Transportation
For optimal safety, security and most importantly, consistency for all students, please make sure your child knows how they will be getting home at the end of the day. Any changes to your child's transportation after school will only be accepted until 9:00 am each day. Exceptions will be made for extreme emergencies only. Please help us keep your child safe and secure by adhering to this policy.
Kindergarten students will not be dropped off at their stop if there is not an adult present to take responsibility for the student and they will be returned to the school. 1st-6th grade students do not require an adult to be present at the bus stop. If your 1st-6th grade student requires assistance getting home from their bus stop, please ensure there's is an adult present to meet them, as no parent is required to be at the bus stop.
Student Pickup
Monroe Parking Lot:
- Please only enter East entryway during your child's dismissal time.
- Kinder: 2:07 pm
- 1st-3rd: 2:27 pm
- 4th-6th: 2:47 pm
- If you arrive earlier than 5 minutes prior to your child's dismissal time, you will be asked to please park in the parking lot or you may circle around so that parents can pickup students who are already dismissed.
- All students will exit through the West gate near the cafeteria.
Bus Area:
- Only students riding the bus will be allowed to exit through the Cortner parking lot area.
Cortner Gate:
- For the safety of our students, all students will enter and exit through the front of the school.
Monroe School Site Council & ELAC Meetings
Monroe School Site Council & ELAC Meetings
Monroe School Site Council Meetings and ELAC are on the following dates:
SSC #1 - October 29, 2024
SSC#2 - November 19, 2024
SSC#3 - March 18, 2025
SSC#4 - May 13, 2025
Learn from Home Resources
Learn from Home Resources are posted on our HESD website. You will notice that resources are organized by grade level spans: TK-2nd, 3rd-5th, and 6th-8th. Please check out the resources to support continued learning for your child!
Thank you for your support!
Classroom Interruptions
Student instruction time is the most valuable resource offered by the school district. Schools shall make every reasonable effort to eliminate unnecessary interruptions and activities that result in the loss of academic learning time.
Most communication is done via email in order to preserve class time and minimize interruptions to class time. If a situation arises in which a message needs to be passed along to your child, please notify the office by 9:00 am. This gives the teacher the opportunity to check their email at lunch and pass the message along to the student.
Messages received after 9:00 am have no guarantee of making it to your child.
We appreciate your assistance and cooperation with this matter.
Foggy Day Information
Here are several resources for you to know whether we will be on a foggy day schedule:
You can reach the Hanford Elementary Foggy Day Line at (559) 585-3652
You can tune in to PBS Channel 18 (Comcast Channel 8, Direct TV Channel 18 and Dish Channel 18) or KMJ Radio 580
If we are on a foggy day schedule, we will be listed as HANFORD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Plan A: Buses are two hours delayed. Classes start on time.
Plan B: Morning buses are canceled. Classes start on time.
Plan C: Afternoon buses canceled
Parents will be notified through ParentSquare when a foggy day schedule is implemented for our bus riders. This ensures that everyone is promptly informed about any changes to the bus schedule due to foggy weather conditions.
Student Supervision
Before School: There will be no adult supervision on campus before 7:15 am. If your children ride a school bus, adult supervision begins upon arrival of the first bus. If your children walk to school or you drive them, do not allow them to come onto campus before 7:15 am.
After School: Supervision on campus after students are dismissed is until 3:00 pm at the designated pick up area in the Monroe Circle. All other students must leave the campus immediately after school is dismissed.
Visitors on Campus
No one will be allowed open access to the campus. In the afternoon, parents may wait for their child’s dismissal in the designated areas only.
HESD Mission
Everything we do must be for the expressed purpose of improving teaching and learning, therefore:
“Our mission is to provide an educational environment which reinforces basic cultural values, ethical behavior including respect for others, personal integrity, responsibility and accountability. We will work together to provide students with a safe environment in which they can discover their potential and strengthen their motivation for living and learning. As tomorrow’s leaders, students will be prepared to participate and function effectively in society.